Save on Your Water Bill with Albuquerque Xeriscape Landscaping

Save on Your Water Bill with Albuquerque Xeriscape Landscaping

Water. We all need it to live. But it costs a pretty penny in hot, dry places like Albuquerque! What if you could slash your outdoor water use – and your utility bills – without sacrificing curb appeal or resorting to a patchy dirt yard? I’m talking about cutting water use by 75-90 percent just…

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Xeriscape Landscaping in Albuquerque is a Wise Move – Here’s Why

Xeriscape Landscaping in Albuquerque is a Wise Move – Here’s Why

Living in the hot, dry climate of the American Southwest can be rough on your yard. Keeping a green lawn looking lush and healthy takes tons of water – and water ain’t cheap! As the droughts keep coming, your water bill keeps going up. There’s got to be a better way. That’s where xeriscape landscaping…

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