Why Albuquerque Tree & Shrub Pruning Needs to be Done Annually

Why Albuquerque Tree & Shrub Pruning Needs to be Done Annually by R & S Landscaping 505-271-84119

Pruning makes the difference between a tree or shrub that grows wild and one that appears well-kept and therefore healthy, as any professional landscaper knows. Trimming, maintaining, and modifying the development of a plant is the practice of improving the aesthetics, health, and look of a plant.

Consider those untamed wild gardens that sprout wherever their leaves and branches fall. While this landscape style may appeal to some, it offers little to improve the health or beauty of your trees and plants.

The Top Reasons Pruning Is Beneficial to Tree and Shrub Health

Dead branches hamper healthy branch growth. This is something that our professional lawn care staff has witnessed time and time again. Dead branches may still be linked to a tree whose branches are beginning to droop or appear diseased, using up space and resources. However, pruning them makes the roots stronger and fosters the growth of additional branches.

Disease prevention and treatment 

Pruning can eliminate diseased, fungi-infested, or decayed branches, preventing the illness from spreading to healthier branches. In addition, by removing these branches, the others are exposed to better sunshine and air circulation, which helps to reduce mortality rates.

Encourages the production of fruit

Removing dead and rotting limbs from fruit trees enables the fruit to develop more abundantly because it is less susceptible to disease. Pruning also encourages the establishment of spurs, which can aid fruit production the following year.

Overgrowth and dead branches are a significant hazard

During a big storm or windy weather, these can easily come off or blow away. In addition, some branches can dangle over your house or backyard, where your children play, or grow into overpowering lines, which can be extremely harmful.

Allows you to view your surroundings more clearly

This is especially useful if you live near a lake, mountains, or a beautiful sunny horizon—basically anywhere with a view! But, of course, pruning is also done for aesthetic reasons, and you can shape your trees in a way that is both pleasant to you and beneficial to the environment.

Maintain the Health of Your Home’s Trees

If you’re a homeowner who appreciates the importance of maintaining your home’s overall beauty, you’re aware that this involves weed control. An overgrown or poorly managed lawn, as well as sparse, limp trees, can detract significantly from the beauty of your property.

In addition, neglected trees and shrubs are more vulnerable to pests and insects. Pruning the trees regularly encourages them to develop more thoroughly, with thick, plentiful branches.

Final Thoughts on Pruning Your Trees and Landscaping

Tree pruning is one of the most economical ways to maintain your home landscaping. It removes dead and diseased branches, preventing them from spreading or falling on your property.

It can also ensure that your property remains safe for you, as well as for visitors and pedestrians who may be walking nearby. For example, tree trimming ensures no hazards are hanging in the air or dropping on anyone below.

If trees are left untrimmed and not maintained, otherwise healthy plants may die. In addition, overgrown branches can make a tree susceptible to diseases and pests, weakening it further. This process forces the roots to grow outward and downward instead of upwards, creating an overgrowth of bushes or shrubs.