Watering By the Numbers in Albuquerque 2024 – Here’s What to Know

Watering By the Numbers in Albuquerque 2024 – Here’s What to Know

We’re in the middle of May 2024. Almost two months into spring already. Summer’s coming next month in June. Perfect timing for you to use the Albuquerque City Water Utility Authority. Get that lawn green and thriving! Set up a solid watering schedule. Your grass will flourish way better than now.

The Utility doesn’t let you endlessly water, even with excess supply. But certain days they allow it. You got to follow their rules.

Last Year’s Watering Rules

Check their 2024 allowances for watering lawns:

  • March – Only 4 times total
  • April & May – 8 to 10 times
  • June, July, August – Up to 15 times
  • September & October – Same as April & May
  • November – Back to March’s schedule

Got it? They really limit how often you can water each month. Probably to conserve water for everyone’s lawns citywide.

Wasting water during designated times risks fines or losing access. The Utility Authority cracks down hard on people who don’t follow the rules. They’ll restrict your home’s water if you overdo it. No more lawn sprinkling for you!

When to Quench Your Lawn

Check the grass. Need that vibrant green color again? Looking dingy and sad?

Early morning before the sun’s up is best. Avoid harsh sunlight that prevents absorption into the soil and grass roots. Gotta water when it’s still cool out.

Night sprinkling when dew falls not recommended. Little evaporation occurs already with the moisture in the air. Don’t overdo it.

The key is watering when the sun won’t instantly bake it away. Get the moisture down into the ground before the heat hits. That’s why right before sunrise is prime time.

How Often to Water Each Week

Most lawn experts say three times weekly for 30 minutes in normal weather. Albuquerque summer heat can be intense. Overwatering risks bugs drowning and harming grass.

Consider rainfall when planning watering. Check forecasts before and after storms. Measure if the lawn truly needs water. Bigger lawns require longer watering times. An acre takes way more than a tiny yard!

Useful tips:

  • Put out cans or cups at equal small distances. Note time it takes to water between them. Use a stopwatch. Helps you measure how long to run the sprinklers.
  • Check water levels in cans to gauge proper amounts for your lawn size. Don’t want huge puddles or bone dry patches. Tweak as needed.

These steps create an efficient watering plan. Trial and error to get it right. But once you got it, your lawn will thrive all summer long.

When Months Pass with Little Rain

Not enough rainfall for your Albuquerque lawn? Leave it alone. Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to keep it green.

Grass endures extreme stress without water. Trying to maintain it during a desert dry spell will fail. Don’t waste time and money.

Once dormant, growth resumes next year when rain returns. Grass adapts to survive, awaiting normal conditions and regrowth. It goes into hibernation mode.

Follow these guidelines during dry spells:

  • Avoid fertilizing or aerating which stimulates thirsty growth needing water. More harm than good.
  • Don’t cut more than one-third of blade length. Keep some protection against the blistering sun.
  • Open exposure increases drought damage. Seek shade from structures or trees. Less direct sunlight equals less baking.
  • Summer heat and months with no rain bake soil and grass as moisture rapidly evaporates. Soil becomes rock hard when bone dry for too long.
  • Longer grass protects soil quality, improving lawn health when rain returns. Don’t strip it bare!

It’s all about avoiding stress and damage during extreme conditions. Work with nature, not against it. Let the lawn go dormant and recover later.

Trying to keep the grass too short and green when there’s a drought only sets you up for failure. Avoid fighting a losing battle.

Call the City for Watering Questions

Using these tips allows efficient lawn watering in Albuquerque while conserving water. Every drop counts out here in the high desert!

For more details on watering your lawn, call 505-271-8419. The city has experts who can advise based on weather forecasts, your yard’s needs, and more. Don’t just blindly sprinkle and pray. Be smart about it.