The Ultimate Lawn Weed Solution Action Plan

The Ultimate Lawn Weed Solution Action Plan

Do you stare out your window in frustration at the sight of your Albuquerque lawn, once so lush and green, now overrun with weeds? Have the cheerful dandelions and resilient crabgrass taken over, leaving unsightly brown patches all over the place?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through all the steps needed to banish lawn weeds for good.

We’ll look at why weeds invade in the first place, teach you how to properly identify the different types, explain when and how to apply treatments, and give tips for repairing and maintaining a lush, weed-free lawn.

Learn About the Most Common Lawn Weeds

Before you can get rid of lawn weeds, you first need to identify them. There are a number of categories and types of weeds that may be plaguing your yard. Being able to spot them is key to targeting them effectively. Here are some of the most notorious lawn weeds and how to recognize them:

Broadleaf Weeds

These weeds are characterized by their flat, broad leaves. They include:

  • Dandelions – These have distinctive yellow flowers and jagged leaves.
  • Clover – Look for leaves with rounded edges and white flowers.
  • Chickweed – This prolific weed has oval leaves and white star-shaped flowers.
  • Ground Ivy – Often mistaken for clover, this weed has round or kidney-shaped leaves.

Grassy Weeds

These weeds look similar to grass. Watch for:

  • Crabgrass – Coarse, light green blades that spread out from a central root.
  • Nutsedge – Yellow-green grass with a triangular stem.
  • Goosegrass – Fast-spreading light green grass.

Grass-like Weeds

While these weeds resemble grass, they only have one blade per stem. These include:

  • Wild Onion/Garlic – Long, green, tubular leaves with a distinct odor when cut.
  • Yellow Nutsedge – Bright yellow-green stems.
  • Purple Nutsedge – Reddish purple stems.

Being able to identify the weeds invading your lawn will help you choose the right removal methods. Now let’s look at how to treat them.

Choose the Right Herbicide

Once you’ve IDed the weeds in your lawn, it’s time to pick the appropriate chemical treatment. Herbicides target weeds in different ways depending on the type of plant and stage of growth.

  • Pre-emergent herbicides – Applied before weeds sprout, these stop seeds from germinating. Useful for preventing new weeds.
  • Post-emergent herbicides – These target weeds that have already popped up through the soil. Better for existing weed problems.
  • Non-selective herbicides – Kill all plant life. Avoid if you want to spare your lawn.
  • Selective herbicides – Specifically target certain weeds, safer for lawns.

Carefully read herbicide labels to ensure you choose the right one for your needs. Timing is also key – apply pre-emergents in early spring, post-emergents when weeds are actively growing. And always exercise caution when handling weed killers!

Follow Application Instructions Carefully

This vital step can make or break your weed removal efforts. Always follow the product label instructions to the letter when applying herbicide:

  • Use the specified amount – don’t over or under apply.
  • Mind the weather – avoid windy days or upcoming rain.
  • Wear protective gear like gloves, eye covering, mask.
  • Use a spray bottle, sprinkling can or spreader. Don’t just dump it everywhere.
  • Apply at the right time – pre-emergents in spring, post-emergents on actively growing weeds.
  • Stick to designated lawn areas – avoid flower beds, vegetable gardens, trees.

Taking the time to carefully apply herbicide ensures maximum impact on weeds while minimizing risks. Now it’s time to wait for results.

Be Patient For Results

Depending on the treatment method used, it may take some time before you begin seeing changes in your weed population. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Pre-emergent herbicides – These work to prevent new weed growth. Wait 4-6 weeks before overseeding or laying sod.
  • Non-selective herbicides – Expect full results in 1-2 weeks. Avoid planting grass or laying sod right away.
  • Selective herbicides – Work slowly, taking 4-6 weeks for weeds to fully die off. Overseed after 2 weeks.

Don’t get impatient and reapply too soon. Give your first application time to work before hitting weeds with another round. Mark your calendar and document weed progress.

Till, Rake and Remove Dead Weeds

Once existing weeds start turning brown and dying off, it’s time to remove them. Take the following steps:

  • Using a tilling fork, dig up and dispose of simpler weeds like dandelions.
  • For more stubborn weeds, rake vigorously with a stiff yard rake to uproot and gather them.
  • Remove any loosened thatch layer (dead grass under live blades).
  • Discard pulled weeds promptly – don’t add them to compost piles.

Removing dead plant material opens up space for new grass to grow while also tidying up your lawn. Now let’s look at soil preparation.

Dethatch, Aerate and Prep Soil

Getting your underlying soil into optimal shape is key for lush new grass growth. Here are some tips:

  • Dethatching – Use a stiff rake or dethatching tool to remove thick layers of dead grass and debris.
  • Aerating – Punch holes in the soil using an aerator machine or gardening fork. Improves air and water flow.
  • Remove rocks/debris – Pick up any sticks, rocks and obstructions that could impede growth.
  • Level bumps – Use a rake to smooth out dips and rises in the surface.
  • Apply soil amendment – Mix in compost or top soil to improve texture and nutrients.

Taking the time to get your soil prepped properly will give your new lawn the best chance at health.

Choose Between Seeding or Sod

Once your underlying soil is prepared, it’s decision time – to seed or to sod? Both have their pros and cons:

Grass seed

  • Cheaper option
  • Wider variety of grass species
  • Can tailor grass to climate
  • Takes 1-2 months to establish
  • Requires more initial care


  • Provides instant lawn
  • No wait time for growth
  • Stays green in winter
  • Reduced risk of erosion
  • More expensive upfront cost

Consider factors like your budget, time frame, and climate when weighing these two options.

Seed Your New Lawn

If you opt for seeding your lawn, follow this process:

  • Choose the right grass variety for your region – cool season, warm season, or transition zone.
  • Use a broadcast spreader for even coverage. Go over in multiple directions.
  • Aim for about 15 seeds per square inch. Too sparse or too crowded will cause problems.
  • Cover seeded areas with 1/4 inch layer of topsoil using a rake.
  • Water newly seeded areas daily until sprouts emerge, then twice weekly.
  • Apply starter fertilizer when seeds begin growing to encourage root development.
  • Maintain proper mowing height as your grass establishes. Set mower blades high.

Seeding requires diligence and care in the first weeks. But follow these tips and you’ll soon have lush results!

Lay New Sod for Instant Results

For those who want an instant lawn, sod is the way to go. Follow these sod laying tips:

  • Have soil prepped and leveled before installation day.
  • Arrange delivery of sod strips from nursery based on square footage needed.
  • Lay sod strips edge-to-edge in a staggered bricklike pattern. Eliminate gaps.
  • Use a lawn roller to flatten seams and ensure good contact with soil.
  • Water sodded areas 1-2 times daily for 2 weeks until established.
  • Avoid heavy foot traffic during initial rooting period.
  • Mow once sod has rooted and growth hits 3 inches tall. Keep height at 2-3 inches.

Maintain Your Lawn to Prevent New Weeds

Now that you’ve banished existing weeds and established a lush new lawn, don’t make the mistake of neglecting upkeep. Ongoing maintenance is crucial for keeping weeds from re-invading. Here are some tips:

  • Mow regularly – Set blades high (3-4 inches) and cut often so grass grows thick and tall, crowding out weeds.
  • Water deeply, infrequently – Wet the soil to 6 inches to encourage deep roots. Make grass less vulnerable to drought.
  • Fertilize – Feed warm season grass in summer, cool season in fall. Use a weed-free organic fertilizer.
  • Dethatch/aerate – Do this at least once a year to alleviate soil compaction that stunts growth.
  • Overseed thin areas – Spot seed patches to maintain dense coverage. Fall is best for cool season grass.
  • Adjust pH – Test annually and amend acidity/alkalinity as needed for healthy soil.
  • Reapply pre-emergent – Use in early spring to fend off new weeds before they sprout.

Staying on top of your new lawn’s needs will make your hard weed removal work pay off for the long run.

Know What Causes Weeds to Invade

While the tips above will help you banish and prevent weeds, it’s also helpful to understand what causes them to grow in the first place. This allows you to address underlying issues and stop problems at the source. Some common reasons weeds take hold:

  • Thin, patchy lawn – Bare spots and sparse grass allows weed seeds to germinate.
  • Compacted soil – Limits air and water flow to grass roots, hampering growth.
  • Excess shade – Grass needs 4-6 hours of sun daily to thrive. Not enough light leads to thin coverage.
  • Over or under watering – Too much moisture helps weeds spread. Too little stresses out grass.
  • Improper mowing – Cutting too short causes growth issues. Leaving clippings adds to thatch buildup.
  • Poor drainage – Waterlogged lawns allow weeds to move in.

Correcting these kinds of underlying conditions will go a long way toward preventing recurrent weed issues.

Partner with a Professional Lawn Care Company

While you can certainly win the battle against weeds on your own, teaming up with professional lawn care experts can make the process easier. Companies like R&S Landscaping offer services including:

  • Initial weed control applications
  • Custom fertilization and treatment plans
  • Overseeding, aeration and dethatching
  • Scheduled mowing services
  • Drainage solutions
  • Irrigation system maintenance
  • And more!

Take advantage of their years of experience, equipment, and tailored programs to effortlessly keep your lawn weed-free year after year. Give R&S Landscaping a call at 505-271-8419 to get a quote and reclaim your beautiful Albuquerque lawn!

Final Thoughts

A lush, thriving lawn free of pesky weeds is within your reach. Follow this comprehensive guide to identify, treat and eliminate existing weeds. Prepare soil, lay sod or seed for vibrant new grass growth.

Maintain your yard properly to prevent future invasions. With diligent effort and the right know-how, you’ll be hosting backyard barbeques and enjoying green grass again in no time. Don’t let weeds ruin another season – take control of your lawn with an action plan today!