It’s Not Too Late to Plant Perennials this Fall

It’s Not Too Late to Plant Perennials this Fall

Autumn is a perfect season to start new perennial gardens or add to existing ones, even if the days are growing shorter. This is because the colder temperatures mean that your newly planted types will have one less thing to contend with. The cooler weather also means that it’s more enjoyable for us gardeners to go back into the soil and do all those labor-intensive tasks like removing weeds and filling in any empty spaces. On top of that, you will be benefited from the presence of less insects.

What is the ideal time to plant

It is preferable to plant in the early autumn to allow your plants as many weeks as possible before frost since all perennials need a full year of heavy watering to develop and establish their root systems. To truly assist your types, have a strong start in the garden, dig a hole that is a little larger and deeper than the plant needs. Fill the additional area with triple mix (3/1 mix) or composted manure.

How to nourish your garden bed

When it comes to giving your garden beds some late-season vigor, you have several of alternatives. Not to mention the additional food those flowers may bring to pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to aid them for the impending winter season, they’ll provide an extended season of color and interest to your outdoor settings.

Planting garlic

Another autumn duty is garlic. Garlic may be planted either in the spring or the autumn, but the autumn harvest yields better, more flavorful heads! Choose a location in your herb or vegetable garden, cut the garlic head into cloves, and arrange the cloves in a row approximately three inches deep. Mid- to late-summer harvest, then enjoy!

Adding autumn flowers

Consider adding some autumn flowers to your planters, such as Garden Mums or Ornamental Cabbage & Kale. These types can withstand small frosts and survive far into the autumn, even if they are not tough for our winters. The chilly weather also brings out the vibrant colours of these species!