Growing a Stunning Albuquerque Garden on a Shoe-String – Part Two

R & S Landscaping Inc – Give us a call at 505-271-8419 for quote to build your garden

Mulch at Home

Mulch is an important part of the success of any garden. Mulch is great for stopping weed growth, keeping moisture in soil and assisting your garden in looking stunning. There are two paths to take to mulch your garden. Path one is to purchase mulch from your local lawn and garden center or at your local big box home improvement retailer, bring it home and then add it to your garden. Path two is to build your own mulch bin to create your own free supply of mulch. Tree trimming, branches and tree bark are terrific mulching material. Lawn grass and trimmings from your yard are perfect mulching material as well. Once you have your mulching bin built, start adding content to it from your yard and tree trimming endeavors. After it is completely full, put it through a bark chipper. When the collection is completely chopped up and ready you can proceed to spreading it over the surface of your garden.

Soil Testing

Gardeners with lots of time and experience might consider testing the soil of their garden. Knowledge is power, so when it comes to your garden’s soil, knowing its composition will give you the needed data and facts needed to make your soil the best it can be for the plants you have in your garden. Basic soil testing will most likely be fine. Look online to find different options you can use to test your soil so it can be done inexpensively.  

Basic soil tests described here will inform you regarding your garden soil’s alkalinity and acidity. If you desire to find out more specifically what your garden soil’s chemical components are you will need to get it tested by a professional company. The cost of testing your garden soil is on the average $1,200.

Herb Garden

When you have a small backyard installing a garden quite likely is not practical. So even if you’re not going to do a garden there is another gardening option that is productive and fun. Growing herbs is gardening on super small scale and it can be done using ready to use grow containers offered at just about every lawn and garden store around. Follow the strategies offered here including seed starting, mulching and soil when setting up your grown containers to grow your herb garden successfully.

Add Decorative Garden Items

Make your garden really pop by adding decorative garden items! Giant stones are a nice strategy to use to create a beginning and end to each row of garden plants or vegetables. Add color to the stones to really make them sparkle and easy to see. Install plant markers to each type of plant section. Plant markers are easy make stylish and visible by painting them or labeling them with bright colors.

Summing it Up

Gardening need not be a hobby that costs an arm and a leg. It literally can be done on a shoe-string budget. Doing the work building your garden yourself and using the strategies listed here that save money will allow you to have fun, enjoy your hobby and not break the bank doing it.