Factors Why Aeration is Critical for Your Albuquerque Lawn Health

If you want to protect the good health of your lawn in Albuquerque, you should pay special attention to aeration. There is no need to use a lot of fertilizer on your lawn. All you need to do is to make sure that your grass properly consumes the amount of fertilizer you add. This is where aeration comes into play.
Aeration is the process where you perforate the soil with small holes, so that you allow nutrients, water, and oxygen to be absorbed by the roots of your lawn. Once you aerate your lawn, you can allow the roots of your plants to grow deeper. It will also help you to loosen compact soil, while preventing nutrients from circulating freely.
Why should you aerate the lawn?
Aeration can assist you to improve the flow of oxygen to your air and soil. This will strengthen your lawn against numerous environmental factors such as heat or drought. Once you aerate the lawn, you can allow it to absorb fertilizer efficiently. This will provide a lush green to your grass, while enhancing its health.
A healthy grass bed will improve cushioning. You can even allow your kids to go out and play on this grass. Make sure that you do it during the growing season. Then you can allow the grass to heal and fill up all the open areas. Since your soil is moist because of rain, you can expect to receive even better results.
Do I need to aerate my lawn?
There are few questions that you need to ask from yourself and decide whether you are going to aerate the lawn or not. For example, you need to consider:
- Whether you have recently constructed the house within 2 years.
- Whether it dries out too fast
- Whether there is high traffic on grass
- Whether you find challenges when sticking a pencil in the soil
- Whether you have patchy and thin grass
If any of these conditions are met, you need to think about aerating the lawn. Feel free to get in touch with an expert landscaping company to get the best results.