Tree Trimming Must Be Done Regularly for Tree Health—Here’s Why

Tree Trimming Must Be Done Regularly for Tree Health—Here’s Why

Take a peek at the beautiful trees in your yard. Gorgeous, right? But let me tell you, it takes some work to keep them that way! Giving your trees a trim on the regular is key for their health. Learn when you should be snipping those branches! How Often Should I Break Out the Pruners?…

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Watering By the Numbers in Albuquerque 2024 – Here’s What to Know

Watering By the Numbers in Albuquerque 2024 – Here’s What to Know

We’re in the middle of May 2024. Almost two months into spring already. Summer’s coming next month in June. Perfect timing for you to use the Albuquerque City Water Utility Authority. Get that lawn green and thriving! Set up a solid watering schedule. Your grass will flourish way better than now. The Utility doesn’t let…

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Gardening with Perennials – Here’s How to do it Right

Gardening with Perennials – Here’s How to do it Right

Have you ever thought about planting some perennials in your yard or garden? Once you plant them, perennials come back bigger and better every single year without much work from you. It’s like getting free flowers! In this post, we want to share everything we’ve learned about growing gorgeous perennials after years in my own…

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Best Garden Flowers for Albuquerque’s 310 Average Days of Sunshine

Best Garden Flowers for Albuquerque's 310 Average Days of Sunshine

Albuquerque is blessed with 310 days of sun a year – perfect for growing a garden with cheerful flowers. With so much sunshine, it would be a shame not to fill your yard with color, fragrance and beauty. But not all flowers thrive in intense sun and dry climates. Follow this guide to select fabulous…

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Albuquerque Lawn and Landscaping Beautification Action Plan 2024

Albuquerque Lawn and Landscaping Beautification Action Plan 2024

Spring has sprung in Albuquerque! Now’s the time to shake off winter and get your Albuquerque lawn and just as important, Albuquerque landscaping, ready for the warmer months. A beautiful landscape doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a bit of work and treatment. Want your lawn and gardens to be the envy of the neighborhood this…

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Xeriscape Landscaping in Albuquerque is a Wise Move – Here’s Why

Xeriscape Landscaping in Albuquerque is a Wise Move – Here’s Why

Living in the hot, dry climate of the American Southwest can be rough on your yard. Keeping a green lawn looking lush and healthy takes tons of water – and water ain’t cheap! As the droughts keep coming, your water bill keeps going up. There’s got to be a better way. That’s where xeriscape landscaping…

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Elevate Your Garden Game: Expert Strategies to Ready Your Albuquerque Garden and Lawn for Spring – Part Two

Elevate Your Garden Game— Expert Strategies to Ready Your Albuquerque Garden and Lawn for Spring – Part Two

Spring has sprung in Albuquerque! The weather is warming up, and your Albuquerque garden, lawn and all the plants are waking up, and it’s time to get busy in the garden and yard. Follow these tips to make sure your landscape is ready for a gorgeous, productive spring season. Dig Up and Move Those Perennials…

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Elevate Your Garden Game— Expert Strategies to Ready Your Albuquerque Garden and Lawn for Spring – Part One

Elevate Your Garden Game— Expert Strategies to Ready Your Albuquerque Garden and Lawn for Spring – Part One

Spring is here, which means your Albuquerque garden and lawn is waking up from its winter nap. But so are the weeds! As soon as the soil thaws out, weeds will start poking through the ground trying to steal water and nutrients from your plants. Don’t let them get the best of your garden! Here’s…

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Albuquerque Lawn Aeration is a Wise Spring Move – Part Two

Albuquerque Lawn Aeration is a Wise Spring Move – Part Two

A beautiful, vibrant lawn takes commitment and care. Along with basics like mowing, watering, and fertilizing, there is one often overlooked task that is key to a lush landscape: aeration. What exactly is Albuquerque lawn aeration and why does your grass need it? This article will explain the ins and outs so you can give…

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Albuquerque Lawn Aeration is a Wise Spring Move – Part One

Albuquerque Lawn Aeration is a Wise Spring Move – Part One A

A beautiful, vibrant lawn takes commitment and care. Along with basics like mowing, watering, and fertilizing, there is one often overlooked task that is key to a lush landscape: aeration. What exactly is Albuquerque lawn aeration and why does your grass need it? This article will explain the ins and outs so you can give…

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