The Simple Winter Pruning Action Plan for a Solid Garden this Spring

The Simple Winter Pruning Action Plan for a Solid Garden this Spring

The right winter pruning will provide your garden with a vigorous, colorful awakening come springtime. Wanted to see how? Keep reading! Why Prune in Winter? What to Prune Now Trees: Discarded tree trunks and bush branches are an ideal home for hibernating insects and diseases. Shrubs: Shrubs that bloom on new wood (like spirea and…

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Why Do I Need to Mulch My Garden in the Winter?

DONE 4 Why Do I Need to Mulch My Garden in the Winter?

In the winter, your garden may seem like it is falling asleep, but it is an important time to take actions to ensure your plants are protected and safe even before the weather turns freezing. The one activity you can do to accomplish this is winter mulching. But why is mulching in the fall so…

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How Can I Keep a Healthy Lawn in Winter?

How Can I Keep a Healthy Lawn in Winter?

The winter can be tough on your New Mexico lawn. Without a tender loving care, the cold weather, dry conditions and constant freeze/thaw cycle can bring even the healthiest lawns to their knees. Winterizing it to keep it healthy will help you avoid problems once spring arrives and ensure that when it does your lawn…

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How Do I Protect My Shrubs from Winter Damage?

How Do I Protect My Shrubs from Winter Damage?

Learning how to protect plants, like your home’s shrubs, this winter so they flourish come spring is a task every gardener, or homeowner, should sign up for. Landscaping with lots of plants is expensive and it is therefore sound economic practice to take action and protect all your plants, especially your shrubs from winter damage.…

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How do I Protect My Lawn from Winter Damage?

How do I Protect My Lawn from Winter Damage?

When the snow finally melts in the spring, it can sometimes uncover lawn that is dead and brown, not just grass that was dormant and is preparing to thrive. Here are some tips to help you diagnose the causes of winter kill so you know how to respond and how to prevent a large amount…

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Lawn Winterizing— What You Need to Know

Lawn Winterizing— What You Need to Know

Winter is not always kind to your lawn, but if you follow these steps in preparing your yard for cold temperatures, you can give it the best chance of returning healthy and green in spring. Winterizing your lawn is an important process of steps intended to strengthen roots, prevent damaged grass and ensure growth. Here’s…

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Pruning Tips for Fall and Winter Trees

Pruning Tips for Fall and Winter Trees R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419

Many trees will benefit from a pruning in the fall or winter. However you’ll want to do your homework on correct timing and strategies when it comes to this process. A winter tree pruning guide for pruning trees over the colder months. Why Prune in Fall and Winter? There are many benefits to pruning in…

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Preparing Your Garden Beds for Winter – Tips and Tricks

Preparing Your Garden Beds for Winter - Tips and Tricks

Winterizing your garden beds is a great way to protect the soil and protect perennials while saving you time and energy later when the growing season rolls back around! Now, if you feel confused about the issue regarding how to prepare your garden for winters then below mentioned are some tips and tricks that can…

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Fall and Winter Lawn Care Tips for Homeowners

Fall and Winter Lawn Care Tips for Homeowners

With the weather slowly getting cooler and the leaves changing color, it is easy to overlook lawn care. That said, fall and winter are the most important seasons if you want your lawn to be as green and healthy as possible when spring rolls back around. Regular, proper care gives rise to a terrific lawn…

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DIY Leaf Mulch— Turning Fall Leaves into Valuable Mulch

DIY Leaf Mulch— Turning Fall Leaves into Valuable Mulch

Homeowners often face leaves of the fall in piles that seem a chore to pick up, bag and haul away. But when used as leaf mulch, these leaves are a gardener’s friend. Taking just a few simple steps will turn garden waste into a beneficial mulch that will provide nutrients to your soil, guards roots…

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