Albuquerque Water By the Numbers 2022 Lawn & Garden Watering Action Plan

Albuquerque Water By the Numbers 2022 Lawn & Garden Watering Action Plan by R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419

The middle of January 2022 is here, Spring is also around the corner and will start on March 20, 2022. As far as summer is concerned, that’ll start in June. So, there is no better time than now to take the benefit of Albuquerque City Water Utility Authority to water your lawn. By setting up a plan to water the lawn entirely and regularly, you can make it glow more as compared to how it is now.

You can’t water the lawn all the time just because you have an excess of it, rather, the Albuquerque City Water Utility Authority has restricted people from doing that. However, the days will be specified for you to get it done.

Look at the number of times people were allowed to water their lawns last year in Albuquerque:

  • For March, they could do it 4 times a month.
  • For April & May, they could do it 8-10 times a month.
  • For the months of June, July, and August, they were allowed to water their lawns nearly 15 times a month.
  • September & October had the same schedule as April & May while November’s schedule was like March.

You can’t waste water during this time also or else, you’ll either must pay a fine or your access to water will be restricted by Albuquerque City Water Utility Authority.

When to water your Albuquerque Lawn?

  • You can observe the grass and see if its color is green, or it needs some maintenance to come back to its original color.
  • If you wake up even before the sun, that’s the best time to water the grass. The reason is that when the sun comes out, its scorching heat doesn’t let the grass get water as effectively as it needs.
  • At night, dew starts to come and there is almost no evaporation which is why it is not recommended to water the lawn at night.

How often should you water your lawn weekly?

Watering your lawn thrice a week for at least half an hour is what most professionals recommend in normal weather conditions. The weather conditions get too severe in summers in Albuquerque which is why you shouldn’t over-water your lawn. This may lead the bugs living on it to death and is also not good for grass either.

Don’t forget to take rain into account whenever you plan to water your lawn. Check the weather forecast before watering and after the rain also to see if your lawn is really in need of water. If your lawn is bigger in Albuquerque, you’ve to calculate the time accordingly since that would require more time to get watered.

Following are a few factors that you must take care of:

  1. Put a few cans over small but equal distances and see how much time is needed to water the lawn from one can to the other. Use a stopwatch to look at the time.
  2. Check the level of water in the cans also to see what the level of water should be when you actually water the lawn in Albuquerque.

Following these steps will help you make a note of how to get it done easily.

What to do with your lawn when you are not getting enough water for months at a time?

If you are not getting enough water to give to your lawn in Albuquerque because of no rainfall, leave it on its own. Lawns have to face immense stress under such situations, and you can do nothing about it than to leave them on their own. Once you do it, the grass may die for some time but it’ll grow again in the upcoming year. Grass can cope with such conditions, and it makes use of such abilities. It just waits for the weather to get back to normal again and it also comes back to its original position.

When you are facing any such issue, just follow the below-mentioned guidelines.

  • Don’t make the mistake of fertilizing or aerating the grass.
  • Don’t cut more than one-third of the grass from your Albuquerque lawn.
  • If your lawn is fully open, there are more chances of it getting affected badly.
  • When in summer, if there is absolutely no rain for months, soil and grass get affected because water evaporates too quickly.
  • A greater level of grass will give rise to better soil quality also which in turn leads to a better and lusher lawn.

With the help of all these guidelines, you’ll be able to water your lawn in Albuquerque in an efficient way while saving a lot of water at the same time.  For more information regarding how to water your lawn, don’t forget to call at 505-271-8419.