Albuquerque Springtime Lawn Preparation 2020 – Part Two

Lawn Lime Application


Moss plants can be an indicator of more than just compaction, but acidity as well. Grass, however, thrives in a neutral pH. To get the balance back on track, you can lime your soil. Unfortunately, the results can take a while to appear.

It is important to send a sample of your soil to determine the level of acidity in your lawn. This can be done at your local county extension, and they are also able to recommend how much lime you will need to apply per square foot. You can use a fertilizer spreader to apply the lime.

Lime is unnecessary to apply lime to your lawn if it is in good health and not showing any signs of acidity. Lime is intended for correction, not prevention. If you add lime when it isn’t needed, you can cause your lawn to become too alkaline, which will cause its own set of troubles down the road. Too much lime is equally detrimental as not using enough.


Bare patches can be caused by heavy traffic, neglect, and pet spots alike. If so, you may feel inclined to fill these areas with grass seed. This is referred to as “over-seeding lawns” and if you choose to do this, you should use a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer, and again five weeks after the grass seeds germinate.

Even though you may find these imperfections during your spring investigation, springtime is not the best time to over-seed your lawn. Fall is recommended to be the season to do this, because at this time of year it won’t have to compete with crabgrass, which is usually killed by autumn frosts. Unless you have an immediately urgent situation, it is advised that you wait to over-seed until fall.


You may fertilize your lawn organically with mulching mowers and compost. There are other chemical fertilizer options, in which some sources may provide a fertilization schedule, where others simply offer the recommendation of feeding lightly in the spring, and more heavily during late fall for what are considered cool season grasses. Excess fertilization during spring may lead to weed problems and other disease in your lawn. Fertilizing in the fall is ideal because after those long, winter months, your lawn will still be taking in those nutrients during spring.

Those who would prefer more of a weed-free lawn, springtime care is equally focused on healthy lawn growth, as prevention of obstacles in the future. Many people new to lawn maintenance are taken by surprise that not all weeds can be treated in the same way. You need to know if this weed is a perennial or an annual, and this will decide if you need a pre-emergent or a post-emergent herbicide against it. Many landscapers use both pre- and post-emergent treatments to combat crabgrass, which may give you an idea of how difficult this weed that is also a grass is to combat in your yard.