Albuquerque Sod Lawn—How to Install it So it is Successful Part Two

Albuquerque Sod Lawn—How to Install it So it is Successful by R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419 d

If your Albuquerque lawn is full of weeds or if your backyard and front yard are plain dirt, installing high-quality sod is the simplest way to have a stunning lawn. The cost of sod is about $800 for a 2,000 square foot lawn, if you do the install DIY. The cost is .40 cents per square foot. Whenever possible, lay sod in the springtime in places where cool-season grass does well and install sod all your round in locations where warm-season grass is best to use. Here are the steps you need to take to make sure your lawn like an Albuquerque sod lawn installation professional. The steps are as follows:

Soak your Yard, Pick it Down 10 Inches, Then Rototiller Mulch and Top-Soil into the Yard Soil

To make your yard soil pliable and diggable, soak it with water for 1 to 2 hours. Use a pic-axe and/or a rototiller to loosen the soil up and then dig down a total of 10 inches. Add organic matter like high-quality mulch and topsoil. This will add the needed nutrients the soil needs, help it retain water and aerate the soil. Organic material will make your lawn soil full of nutrients it needs to be healthy and help your lawn be robust and green. Add lime or fertilizer to the soil before you add and rototill in the organic matter based the pH levels you find out about from the soil test results.

Level Out Your Yard Soil

Level out all the soil in your yard after you completed all your soil work. Be sure the soil is 1 inch lower than yard paved areas and sprinkler heads. Leveling out your yard makes the surface even for your new sod lawn and it makes the soil loose, which is critical for the sod grass roots to be able to easily grow down into the soil. Water the soil to moist levels 1 to 2 days before you install the sod.

Roll Out the Sod Grass Rolls

Begin the project by laying sod grass along driveway, flower garden and vegetable garden, fencing and patio. Roll out complete rolls one by one and connect one piece after the other by laying them end to end. Do not walk on the sod as it is being laid and be sure to rake out footprints before laying the sod down. Be sure to smooth out wrinkles so the sod is completely flat. Flatten the sod with care so all pockets of air are eliminated. The sod needs to have 100 percent contact with soil.

Place Sod Turf in Rows

Set up the sod in rows by laying half pieces every other piece you lay down. You can cut a roll of sod in half with garden hedge row clippers or a utility knife.

Connect Laid Sod Turf Super Close

Place sod pieces so they connect edge to edge minus overlap. Push down each end with the palm of your hand so each edge is tightly connected to the other sod roll edge. Be sure there is no soil visible between seams and zero air pockets.

Install Smaller Sod Roll Pieces in The Center

Small sod roll pieces are inevitable. Use them in the middle of your new sod lawn where all 4 edges are connected to other full rolls. Small sod roll pieces do not work successfully on corners or edges because they become smaller naturally due to evaporation and lower chances of connecting to adjoining pieces of sod. Most of the time smaller pieces used on sod lawn edges die for this reason.

Add starter fertilizer to your new sod grass lawn after it has had 4 weeks to grown. Do not allow foot traffic on the lawn for 1 full month after your new sod lawn has been installed. Once a month has passed you can revel in the glory of your new lawn.

By following these steps when installing your new Albuquerque sod lawn, you should be able to enjoy your lawn for years to come. If you decide you do not want to install your sod lawn, give the professional Albuquerque sod lawn installation experts at R & S Landscaping.

Albuquerque Sod Lawn—How to Install it So it is Successful by R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419
Gardening – Gardener laying sod for the new lawn