Albuquerque Lawn Weed Solutions

Albuquerque Lawn Weed Solutions
Albuquerque Lawn Weed Solutions

Is your Albuquerque lawn full of weeds? Does the good look of your lawn is ruined with patches? Then you need to start looking for lawn weed solutions. It can help you to end up with a lush and green lawn with ease.

You may be able to pick up the pesky weeds that pop up from your lawn. However, you should be careful to pick them up from the roots. Otherwise, you will not be able to overrun them. No matter what, it is still a good idea to work with a professional lawn care company. Then you can continue to secure a great overall experience. Let’s learn more on why you should work with a professional lawn care company and how to take good care of your lawn.

Learn more about the types of weeds

For successful weed removal, you need to have a clear idea about the different types of weed that you have. Then you can come up with appropriate strategies to get rid of them. This is where you can categorize weed into few groups.

  • Broadleaf weed

These weeds have flat and broad leaves. Chickweed, dandelions, ground ivy, and clover are perfect examples.

  • Grass-like weeds

These weeds have hollow leaves, which are either tube or triangular in shape. Wild onion, wild garlic, and nutsedge are perfect examples for it.

  • Grassy weeds

They resemble grass, where the plants have just one leaf at a time. Crabgrass, quack grass, annual bluegrass, and foxtail are few common examples.

You can also break down weeds into few other categories depending on their lifecycle. Here’s an overview of them.

  • Annual weeds – They are producing weeds only one time per year.
  • Biennial weeds – They generate seeds during two different seasons.
  • Perennial – These weeds generate seeds across many seasons.

Pick the right herbicide

As the next step, choose the best weed treatment depending on the kind of weed and where they are in their life cycle. Herbicides that are applied prior to weed germination target weed problems. Post-emergent herbicides target weeds that have already sprouted.

Even if the label states otherwise, use caution while handling herbicides since they may harm any plant life they come into touch with. Killing your thinning, existing grass isn’t a huge concern if your goal is to re-establish your lawn because you will need to start over anyway.

Proceed with the treatment

It’s essential that you adhere to the instructions exactly for this phase. Make sure you use the right product at the right time while applying it. Checking the weather beforehand is a good idea if you don’t want any storms to wash away your herbicide.

Wait for it gives results

Depending on the weed treatment method you choose, you may sow seeds as soon as possible. It would be useless to plant seeds right away since pre-emergent herbicides will stop grass seeds from sprouting just as much as they would stop weed seeds.

You may have to wait up to four weeks, depending on the weed treatment you choose. Inquire at your neighbourhood garden centre when it is safe to plant.

Till and Rake

It’s time to get out the rake once the gras. This is where the weeds start to turn brown. You need to rake many weeds as you can. To prepare the soil for your additives and seeds, remove any further weeds with your tilling fork.

Dethatch and aerate

Thatch, which is the layer of decaying organic waste between your lawn’s soil and grass blades, may be reduced by aerating your lawn. Thatch has advantages because it strengthens your lawn’s defences against harsh weather conditions and variations in soil moisture. However, if it is thicker than half an inch, it may harm the roots and even cause root rot.

Dethatching may be aided by the raking and tilling from the previous stage, but if the layer is too thick, you can also use a dethatching rake. Your grassroots have better access to air, nutrients, and water thanks to aeration. To aerate the soil, use a core aerator or a spike. Make two to three passes in various directions while using a core aerator. Instead of removing the soil plugs you remove, let them degrade on top of your soil layer.

Improve the Soil

Apply your soil amendment at this time to get your soil ready for sod or grass seed.

Spread Sod or Seed

You have a decision to make. Do you wish to sod or plant seeds? Each has advantages and disadvantages.

  • Seed

Seed is less expensive, and you will have access to a better variety. However, it can take a considerable period of time to germinate. You will only be able to lay them during certain time periods of the year. It depends on the type of grass.

  • Sod

This gives instant grass. You can lay them at any given time of the year. They require little maintenance as well. However, it can be more expensive.

  • Sowing a crop

To start, you must choose the proper seed for your lawn. Your local area will determine whether you require warm-season grasses, cool-season grasses, or a transition zone with greater latitude. After deciding the category, you want, you may choose certain grasses that could contain the qualities you’re looking for, such as heat- or drought-resistance.

Apply around 1 inch of dirt to the ground before spreading the seed with a spreader to seed your grass.

It is a good idea to use two different spreaders. You should use a broadcast spreader for the majority of the job since they scatter seeds uniformly and provide full coverage. To avoid accidentally dropping seed into garden beds, you should use a drop spreader along the perimeter of the beds.

Spread the seed in one direction, then one or two more times in other directions to ensure that the coverage is equal, and always set the spreader to half the suggested drop rate. You don’t want any strange stripes or patterns on your grass.

The secret is to use the proper quantity of seed. Apply around 15 seeds per square inch as a general guideline, then rake the seed over. Top dressing should be no thicker than ¼ inch on top of the seed.

The next step is to apply starter fertiliser. Use a beginning fertiliser with a lot of phosphorous; that’s your best chance. However, several governments prohibit the use of phosphorus in lawn fertilisers owing to worries about water contamination. For the establishment of new lawns, certain jurisdictions could permit phosphorus in fertilisers. If so, fertilisers will have labels like “new lawn” or “starter fertiliser.”

Water your grass

By enabling your grass to develop deep roots that can compete with weeds, deep, infrequent watering may aid in its establishment. Aim to water your grass twice a week, preferably in the morning before the sun comes out. Generally speaking, lawns need 1.5 inches of water each week, although this might change depending on where you live, and the grass seed you choose.

Keep up with your lawn

If you want to keep weeds out of your freshly planted grass, proper upkeep is essential. Use the highest or second-highest setting while mowing your grass. Weeds won’t suffocate healthy grass. To ensure that your grass thrives, fertilise it as required.

Understand why your Lawn Is Overrun by Weeds

To begin with, you probably want to identify the exact cause of the weed invasion of your lawn so you can take steps to stop it from occurring again.

  • sluggish grass growth

When grass is thin, weeds flourish. Having lush, tall, thick grass cover your whole lawn is the greatest approach to prevent weeds from growing there. Your lawn is more vulnerable to a full-blown weed invasion if it is mowed too short. This may be helped by turning your lawn mower to the highest setting.

  • Lack of water

Weeds may readily compete with your lawn for moisture since they often have strong root systems. Weeds may take up any remaining water if you don’t water your grass sufficiently, depriving your grass roots of it.

  • Excessively-compacted soil

Your grass roots won’t be able to reach the nutrients, water, or air they need if your soil gets excessively compacted, whether as a result of heavy foot activity or a poor soil composition. This distressed grass offers an excellent environment for weed growth.

Get the help of a professional lawn care company

Now you have a clear idea on how to take good care of your lawn. Make sure to work with a professional lawn care company, like Albuquerque lawn care experts at R & S Landscaping and keep up the good results you got. Then you will be able to maintain its good health along with time. To schedule an appointment call R & S Landscaping at 505-271-8419.