Albuquerque Lawn Strategies for a Stunning 2021 Lawn – Part Three

Albuquerque Lawn Strategies for a Stunning 2021 Lawn by R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419 a

In Albuquerque as spring arrives, lilacs and daffodils first begin to bloom, and forsythia plants end their flowering. This should remind us that it is time to prepare our lawns for the upcoming seasons of growth. The perfect timing to perform these tasks will depend upon your particular climate or region. If you live in an area that gets snow, then you will want to delay until the snowy season is definitely over. For most regions, there are 8 things you should do, or consider doing before heading into spring.

Fertilize for More Success

You can fertilize your lawn organically by using compost and mulching mowers, or use a chemical brand such as Scotts Miracle-Gro Co.. For the cool season grasses, experts advise applying a small amount of fertilizer in the spring, and more in the late fall. If you heavily apply fertilizer in the late fall, then your lawn will already have some still in the soil, to nourish it in the spring. Applying too much fertilizer in the spring can result in more disease and weed trouble. 

Spread Pre Emergent Herbicides (Safe Weed Killer)

If you want your lawn to flourish and stay weed free, spring time lawn care is crucial. Not all weeds can be remedied in the same way. You will need to use either a pre-emergent or post emergent herbicide, depending on if the weed is a perennial or annual. Crabgrass, however, may require using both types because it is especially difficult to get rid of. It is an annual weed that begins growing in spring when the average temperatures are between 65-70 degrees.

You can address weeds before their seeds begin to sprout by using a pre emergent herbicide. They create a chemical layer over the soil that coats the seeds and stops them from growing. To get the upper hand on a crabgrass problem, apply both fertilizer and pre emergent herbicide or a combo formula at the same time. If you use the preemergent herbicides, avoid doing any aeration until autumn as this can break the shield, and weaken the effectiveness. Using pre emergent herbicides can also hinder grass seeds, making new grass scarce. Overseeding also doesn’t work well with these types of herbicides. It is still possible to overseed in the spring, but easier to do so in the fall, when the frost starts to kill off the crabgrass. If overseeding is absolutely necessary in the spring, we suggest using the pre emergent herbicide, Tenacity, as it will not hurt the grass seed. However if you want to use organic methods, we recommend waiting until fall to overseed. 

Spread Post-emergent Herbicides (Or Pull Weeds)

One of the first signs of spring are the popping up of dandelion weeds. They are a hearty perennial from the aster family that can quickly take over your lawn. You can eliminate them by pulling or digging up the roots, or by using a post emergent herbicide. For the best results you will want to use an herbicide for broad leafed weeds during the fall. Some organic gardeners will actually harvest edible greens from the dandelions.  

Service the Lawn Mower

Spring is also a good time to start thinking about scheduling your yearly lawn mower servicing. If your mower doesn’t seem to want to start, it could be an indication that it’s due for a tune-up. You can easily have it running perfectly with a little maintenance. If a lawn mower is requiring more than a tune up, it is probably a sign that it is time to purchase a new one.

Summing Up Albuquerque Lawn Strategies for Stunning 2021 Lawn

Since you committed to the success of your Albuquerque lawn, following the lawn strategies described herein and you’ll see the fruits of your labors. The key to success is to follow the steps one by one, give them time to work, assess your success or lack thereof and adjust your strategy accordingly. If more lawn seed needs to be added to your lawn, then do so. If weeds are choking your lawn, get out there and pull them. Water during the evening to limit evaporation. This strategy will help you make the most of the water your lawn is getting each week.