Albuquerque Lawn Strategies for a Stunning 2021 Lawn – Part One

Albuquerque Lawn Strategies for a Stunning 2021 Lawn by R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419 a

In Albuquerque as spring arrives, lilacs and daffodils first begin to bloom, and forsythia plants end their flowering. This should remind us that it is time to prepare our lawns for the upcoming seasons of growth.The perfect timing to perform these tasks will depend upon your particular climate or region. If you live in an area that gets snow, then you will want to delay until the snowy season is definitely over. For most regions, there are 8 things you should do, or consider doing before heading into spring.

Rake, and Then if Needed,  Rake Some More 

The first step in spring lawn preparation is to simply rake. Even if you thoroughly raked in the previous fall, this first step is necessary in order to deal with thatch. Thatch is a term used to describe the layer of dead turf grass, lying between green vegetation above the root system and ground below. If this layer is allowed to get too dense, it can harm the health of your lawn.

This is also why you should rake deeply in the fall and then again in the spring. It is important to remove the grass that died during the winter to prevent the occurrence of thatch. When raking in the spring, if you notice patches where blades of grass are clumped or matted together, this could be an indication of a disease known as snow mold. It can make it difficult for new grass to grow, and simply raking at the right times can prevent this.

Aerate if Needed

Compacted soil, caused from heavy traffic, results in bare patches and is also prone to moss growth. You can fix this issue by aerating your lawn. Using a lawn aerator machine creates openings in the soil to allow air and water to seep in and reach the roots. Aerators can be rented from large hardware stores, or for smaller lawns you can use a hand held tool to aerate manually. If your lawn does not have a large clay content, you most likely will not need to purchase an aerator machine. Although spring is not typically the ideal time to aerate your turf, it may be necessary if the soil is so compacted that grass is unable to grow. It is usually not recommended because the openings in the soil can facilitate weeds like crabgrass, which germinate in the spring. Spring aeration is best done around Memorial Day.

Summing Up Albuquerque Lawn Strategies for Stunning 2021 Lawn

Since you committed to the success of your Albuquerque lawn, following the lawn strategies described herein and you’ll see the fruits of your labors. The key to success is to follow the steps one by one, give them time to work, assess your success or lack thereof and adjust your strategy accordingly. If more lawn seed needs to be added to your lawn, then do so. If weeds are choking your lawn, get out there and pull them. Water during the evening to limit evaporation. This strategy will help you make the most of the water your lawn is getting each week.