Albuquerque Lawn Issues Caused by Compacted Soil and the Solutions

Albuquerque Lawn Issues

Weeds love compacted soil. Weeds like clay-filled soil too. To fight this, aerate the lawn every two years. This means using an aerator. It will help your grass. It gives roots more air and water.

Aerification: What is it? It involves removing small soil columns, or plugs. This reduces soil compaction. The aerifier should have tines. These tines should go 2 to 3 inches deep into the soil. Reciprocating arms are better. They create more holes.

Only aerate when the grass is growing. This is in spring through fall. After aerating, you’ll see tiny soil columns. It’s not a great look. But, don’t worry! Mowing will break the dry plugs. These will then disintegrate and return to the soil.

Problem: Bad aeration can harm your lawn. Thatch buildup can cause this. Compacted soil can too. This makes a perfect environment for diseases.

Solutions: Good soil has solids, water, and air. The ratio should be 50%, 25%, and 25% respectively. To achieve this standard, rent a “plug” machine. It’s also known as a lawn aerator. This machine cuts out soil chunks. It then leaves them back on your lawn. This is how you improve your lawn health. You can prevent fungal diseases this way too.

You see aerating sandals sold online. They have long-spiked soles. Gardeners use them. They strap them on their feet and walk on the lawn. But, users say these need too much weight and strength. They find them hard to use. Also, tools that slice the soil don’t really fix compaction woes. So, your best bet is to get an aerifier and use it appropriately. That, or hire a professional to handle the process for you. These are all strategies to maintain a healthy lawn.