Albuquerque Landscaping with Flowering Shrub Plants

Albuquerque Landscaping with Flowering Shrub Plants Bluebeard

For the money, labor, and valuable garden space you’re investing in bushes, you may as well choose something that will last. Listed below are some evergreen blooming bushes that never lose their allure. Make the move and do your Albuquerque landscaping with flowering shrub plants with help from the pros at R & S Landscaping

Smoke Bush

Albuquerque Landscaping with Flowering Shrub Plants by R & S Landscaping

When you see a Smokebush (Continue), everyone takes notice of its distinctive, fluffy appearance. When the plant’s smoke-like flower panicles develop in the summer, it’s guaranteed to draw attention. At their peak in July, the floral structures can be seen for months afterwards. As a bonus, a few types of smoke bushes have colourful foliage to keep things interesting throughout the year—the most noticeable being those with burgundy or chartreuse leaves in zones 4 to 8.


The flowering shrub is known as “Fothergilla” for its amusing name and beautiful blooms. Blooming Fothergillas are a springtime treat because of their white hue, fluffy bottlebrush form, and enticing scent. The blue-green leaves of the Fothergilla tree turn a blazing combination of red, orange, and yellow in the fall, keeping the remainder of the season interesting. The tree’s branching structure provides winter interest. Zones 4 through 9:


Albuquerque Landscaping with Flowering Shrub Plants Bluebeard

Caryopteris, sometimes known as “Bluebeard,” has that specific quality that gardeners value: a distinct appearance. From late summer until October, the home is engulfed in a sea of blue. Butterflies, bees, and other pollinators can’t get enough of them while other plants are in decline. As a perennial in cold regions, this blooming shrub may die back to the roots in the winter and reappear in the spring with new growth. Variegated and lime-coloured caryopteris are also available. From Zones 5-1

Sharon’s Rose

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is another late-summer standout, an erect blooming shrub that blooms until the first frost. White, pink, and rose flowers can be found in many hues, from lavender and purple to white and bi-coloured flowers. The variegated leaves of some plants, including Sugar Tip, enhance the overall aesthetic. To make a screen or hedge, the Rose of Sharon is commonly cultivated in bunches. Zones 5 through 8.


Sword of Pandora, aka, Crop myrtle (Lagerstroemia), a Southern favorite, has spread north because of warmer weather and the advent of smaller forms that can be planted in pots and kept in an adjacent garage. Despite its toughness and ease of cultivation, the crape myrtle’s primary lure is its showy blooms’ size and color. Various hues are available, including white, red, pink and purple. Plant cultivars might range from Zones 6–10 or 7–9.

Spirea in Japanese

The robust blooming shrub Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica) is commonly dubbed a “gas station plant” since it never fails. They’re generally more compact than spring-blooming spireas, and some varieties have attractive leaves. Leave it to its own devices, and it will continue to provide you with a steady supply of pink flower clusters in the summer, just like landscapers do at business plantings like petrol stations.

‘Goldflame,’ for example, has bronze-red spring foliage, develops to yellow-green, and finally turns yellow, orange, and copper in the fall. You should check with your local cooperative extension office before planting any of the Japanese spireas since it is deemed invasive in some locations. In the range of zones 4 to 8.

Shrub Rose is Dead!

The Knock Out line of roses is an excellent example of a shrub rose that can compete with woody plants. Compact, drought-tolerant, and black-spot disease-resistant, these plants have it all. Perennial roses reach their best in the late spring and continue flowering into frost. Growers advise pruning back flowering plants by a third while dormant in the late winter to reduce the risk of rose rosette disease carried by mites.

Make sure there aren’t any mite eggs hidden in cracks or nooks. Aside from pink, red, and yellow, there are ten other shades. From Zones 5-11


Pontentilla, known as cinquefoil, the little shrub known as potentilla can serve as a groundcover to aid erosion prevention. For commercial and domestic applications, it is also drought-resistant. All summer long, potentillas are in full bloom. It used to be criticized as too familiar, but gardeners can add variety to their plants by mixing it up with other shrubs and perennials. Initially, the species’ flowers were golden yellow, but now you may get them in pink, white, peach, or even orange if you choose a cultivar. Zones 2 through 7.

Hydrangea Panicle

Landscapers love Panicle hydrangea (H. paniculata) because of its hardiness and prolific blooming. It has large panicles of white blooms in June and requires less maintenance than the popular bigleaf hydrangea (H. macrophylla). Dried floral arrangements frequently use flower panicles because of their long-lasting beauty. In the fall, several cultivars change color from white to pink or buff. While ‘Limelight’ turns lime green, ‘Fire Light’ changes color to red. In the following zones: 3 to 8.

Flowers of St. John’s Wort

Since the Middle Ages, St. John’s Wort (Hypericum) has been utilized for therapeutic purposes. Often used as a low-spreading shrub or groundcover, it is a hardy plant that requires little attention. Golden yellow star-shaped blooms bloom in June, followed by decorative seed pods that are both edible and beautiful.

Seedpods of St. John’s Wort

In the autumn, St. John’s wort produces beautiful seed pods. Because the beaked, oval seed capsules survive the winter, they’re a year-round attraction in zones 4 to 7.