Albuquerque Fall Perennials Planting Winning Strategies

Albuquerque Fall Perennials Planting Winning Strategies

It is a well-known fact that planting shrubs and trees during fall is the best thing to do in Albuquerque. You may be surprised to learn that this is also an ideal time of year to plant, transplant, or divide perennials. The air temperature is often more stable and milder than it may be in the spring or summer, the soil is warm, which encourages healthy root formation, and the rainfall is frequently more regular. Here are some pointers for giving perennials in the yard a head starts in the autumn:

Ideal time to plant perennials

Plant perennials four to six weeks in advance of the average first frost date. They have plenty of time to grow new roots because of this. To assist secure, them against possible frost heaves in winter, if you must plant them closer to the frost date, think about planting them a little deeper than usual.

Focus on perennials that bloom during spring and summer

When planting in the autumn, focus on perennials that bloom in the spring and summer. These varieties will probably establish more quickly than those that bloom in the autumn, and they will probably repay you with an amazing display the following year.

Remove blossoms while planting

In order to encourage autumn bloomers to focus their efforts on establishing root rather than blooming or producing seeds, you may choose to remove their blossoms while planting.

Start working with spring and early summer blooming perennials

Consider working with spring and early summer blooming perennials when splitting them up and transplanting the divisions. Divide perennials best, usually, in the season opposite to that in which they bloom (spring for late-summer and autumn bloomers and fall for spring and early-summer bloomers).

Mulch the area lightly

After planting perennials in the autumn, lightly mulch the area to retain moisture. Return after the earth has frozen and add another layer of winter mulch. This will help keep the soil at a reasonable temperature throughout the winter and stop frost heaves, which might force your newly planted seeds out of the ground.

Think about weekly hand watering

If there aren’t many autumn showers, give your recently planted perennials a weekly hand watering with a goal of one inch of water. As with recently planted bushes, water thoroughly and sparingly.