Albuquerque Fall Perennial Planting Tips – Part Two

Albuquerque Fall Perennial Planting Tips

Cooler Albuquerque fall temperatures in 2020 are a nice change from the blazing record heat this summer. Couple with cooler humid mornings, changing grass and friendly rain clouds, fall is the best time to plant additional perennials in your Albuquerque flowerbeds and gardens. If your planting is being added to a set of perennials already planted or you are planting a new garden, the Albuquerque fall temperatures of the air and soil are at their optimum best for root growth. Additionally, planting now will free up time in the spring time to work on other spring planting projects and set the stage for a series of flower blooms that will really make your garden look amazing after a cold winter. If it happens to be that you are not a fall planting veteran, here are set of strategic tips to follow as you map out your fall perennial planting.

Optimum Albuquerque Soil Temperatures for Excellent Root Growth

Warm fall soil temperatures enhance root growth. Soil is colder in the spring, so roots grow slowly in that environment. The plant is able to produce roots markedly better in the fall because it is not going to bloom so the energy it expends goes directly into expanding and growing roots.

The Impact of Frost on Albuquerque Plant Growth

Plant growth comes a standstill when there is a freeze, but frost does not end a plants life. Plant roots keep growing until the ground is completely frozen.

Albuquerque Plant Appearance and Dormancy Period

In Albuquerque in the middle and end of the summer perennials are done growing and look haggard. Spring blooming perennials are in their dormancy period when fall comes. There is no growth whatsoever. Perennials are sent to customers as roots because there is no growth or bloom until springtime. Plants blooming in the spring and early part of the summer start looking dead after their blooming fireworks have expired. Plant perennial bulbs the same way you would any other plant including planting them at proper depth, introducing sufficient mulch and good soil.

Albuquerque Fall Perennial Planting Watering

Prior to planting perennials in the fall give the roots plenty of water and allow them to soak it up as much possible. After the roots are planted keep watering them once weekly until the ground freezes. Doing this will give them the needed water to become established and grow a root system before they go dormant when the ground becomes frozen.

Albuquerque Fall Perennial Planting Summed Up

Planting perennials in your Albuquerque garden is hard work, but the hard work you put in will produce unparalleled beauty for years to come. Take the time to map out your garden perennial planting so blooms occur during the springtime and into the summer. The parade colors in your garden will bring enjoyment to you and your family, plus bring added value that makes your hard work you put during each planting payoff for years to come.