Albuquerque Landscaping Plant Selection – Part One

Albuquerque Landscaping Plant Selection - Part One

Shrubs add so much to a landscape – privacy, beauty, interesting textures. And the great news is, lots of shrubs don’t need a ton of fussing over or watering once established.

Many even keep their leaves year round, which is super handy in the Southwest climate.

Here’s your guide to picking perfect shrubs for your Albuquerque landscaping project.

Think About Placement

When it comes to placing your shrubs, it’s crucial to think ahead. Before you start digging any holes, map out a plan for where each shrub will go in your landscaping. You’ll want to space them apart properly, so they’ll have room to reach their full mature size without crowding each other.

I know when you first bring home those little baby shrubs from the nursery they look so tiny and innocent. But let me tell you, in just a few years they will spread and expand like nobody’s business! So keep that mature size in mind right from the start.

Select Flowering Shrubs

Looking to add some real visual wow factor and curb appeal? Flowering shrubs are the way to go. Seek out varieties that will bless you with blooms multiple times throughout the seasons. Flowering shrubs infuse the landscape with such welcomed pops of vibrant color. And you can’t beat that lovely aroma when they’re in bloom!

In Albuquerque’s arid environment, flowering shrubs provide much needed greenery and life.

Some flowering shrubs to consider include:

  • Barberry – Delicate yellow blooms in spring, with foliage that transforms to a dazzling red come fall.
  • Butterfly Bush – You’ll love watching butterflies flock to the fragrant purple flowers this summertime bloomer produces.
  • Rose of Sharon – An August bloomer that flaunts large, showy flowers resembling roses.

I don’t know about you, but I’d love to have any of those beauties sprucing up my landscape!

Favor Native Plants

When picking out your shrubs, I highly recommend going native whenever possible. Native shrubs evolved to thrive in Albuquerque’s climate and environment. That means they’ll need less water, less maintenance, and less fussing over from you once established. And native plants give back to the local wildlife by providing food and habitat. It’s a win win.

Some top native shrub options include:

  • Mountain Mahogany – This adaptable evergreen has wonderfully scented flowers and attracts songbirds.
  • Cliffrose – Loved for its elegant green leaves and abundant large white summer blooms.
  • Apache Plume – Produces unique feather-like plumes that resemble feathers. Our native pollinators find them irresistible.

I hope those native recommendations have your mind wandering with possibilities!

Consult the Experts

Do you still have questions about which shrubs would work best for your Albuquerque landscape? No worries! The professional landscapers are here to help. Give the experts at R&S Landscaping a call.