Albuquerque Landscaping with Roses: A Guide for Gardeners

Albuquerque Landscaping with Roses A Guide for Gardeners by R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419

If you’re considering adding roses to your landscaping, here’s a guide with tips and advice from the experts. Whether you want them in a formal garden or as part of an informal natural setting, there are many things to consider when choosing where they’ll go (and what type). We’d love to help!

Landscaping with roses can provide a gorgeous display all year round. One benefit is that most types are cold-hardy, so they’re perfect for climates where winter temperatures routinely dip below freezing. This means you get to enjoy your beautiful rose garden on all those gray and snowy days in the winter! Some people even find gardening with roses therapeutic because it helps them relax during stressful times or provides an escape from their busy lives.

Roses are also one of the easiest plants to maintain. All you need is a spade, some fertilizer and water! Roses will reward your attention with plenty of blooms all summer long–just be sure not to prune them too hard in the spring or they’ll stop flowering. 

The Benefits of Roses: * 

Beautiful color, shape, fragrance and form for your yard or garden (formal gardens often have rose beds)

* Attracts wildlife; birds love the nectar from the blooms! 

* They can grow in a variety of conditions including dry soil as well as wetter ground.

* Easy-to-grow plants that require little care once established. 

Tips on what to do with roses after flowering:

Keep them trimmed back to promote new growth 

Fertilize with a rose fertilizer once or twice during the growing season. 

Be sure not to fertilize too late in autumn as this can result in excessive leaf drop that 

Pruning: One thing that many people find daunting about roses is their tendency to grow for quite awhile without being trimmed back down into shape. Some people have concerns about how to cut back roses that are on the ground. We also have some great tips for pruning your plants so they stay up and out of the way! It’s easier than you think–just be sure not to do it too hard in the spring or your plant might stop flowering all together


– Use a spade, fertilizer, water, feeder and mulch when planting your new bushes this spring to ensure success throughout their lifetime! You should also wait at least one year after repotting before transplanting again; otherwise you could spread disease around your garden. 

– Make sure to follow recommended instructions for the frequency of cutting back different types of roses as well as which areas of the plant you should cut.

– Check out these great tips on how to trim your roses properly so they can be used all year long! Be sure not to do it too hard or soon, though–or else they might stop blooming altogether.


Beautiful roses will transform your garden into a romantic escape from their busy lives. They’re easy to take care of and rewarding in return–just make sure not to cut them down too hard when they’ve hit full bloom or else they’ll stop flowering for next year’s show!