Albuquerque Spring Lawn Care 2021, Ready, Set, Go!

Albuquerque Spring Lawn Care 2021, Ready, Set, Go! by R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419
Albuquerque Spring Lawn Care 2021, Ready, Set, Go!
By R & S Landscaping 505-271-8419

Spring is the glorious time of year when plants first begin to sprout. It is therefore the most crucial time to prepare for the coming seasons of growth in order to thrive. Here is a list of things you can do to help prepare your lawn or garden for possible droughts, weeds or diseases that may occur in Albuquerque 2021.


Dead leaves and grass left laying on the ground through winter creates a thatch layer. Raking in the spring helps break up clumps of grass clippings caused by snow mold, that are likely to smother or choke out new growth.

You will want to avoid raking when the ground is muddy or soft, to keep clear of uprooting fresh growth. Using a rake with spring-tine will provide a sturdy upward pull to clear away dead grass,


Overseeding is done by filling in bare spots in your lawn, and can be done in either Spring or Fall. It is best to overseed warm weather grasses in the late spring, and cooler weather grasses in the fall. In colder climates, spot seeding in the spring is also a good option.

As you overseed, you will also want to add a slow release nitrogen fertilizer. Then, after 5 weeks, add quick release nitrogen plant food.

Learn more about what causes thin or bare spots in lawns, and how to prevent them


Aeration is the answer to compacted soil, and is fundamental for a healthy lawn.

Your specific soil type determines how often you should aerate. For the best results, warm season grasses should be aerated in late spring to early summer. For the cooler season types, fall works best, however early spring will also do.

Learn the secrets behind aerating; and how to aerate correctly


Dethatching grass is best done in the spring. Early spring for cool season grass, and late spring or early summer for the warmer season types.


Timing is everything, when it comes to the common crabgrass issue. Applying pre-emergent herbicides, will keep the seeds that dropped last season from germinating again. Follow the application instructions provided on the product, as they will usually provide advice on timing.

In warm season grass, use broadleaf post emergent herbicides for winter and perennial weeds. Dig up or apply treatment to perennial weeds as the start emerging, or you can use All-In-One Weed Feed. It will get rid of weeds such as Clover, Dandelion and Crabgrass.


Spring fertilizer should be spread about three weeks after the grass begins to sprout, or after two or three mowings. Applying too soon could result in feeding the weeds and causing the fertilizer to runoff. This could also cause new growth at a time when the roots are not yet able to sustain.


Irrigation needs depend upon the region. The arid mountain and desert areas require some continued watering through winter, increasing in frequency as the temperatures rise and spring winds increase in the Southwest, or if rain is deficient. 

Spring rains usually bring enough moisture to the Midwest, North and Pacific Northwest regions. It may be tempting to water as a way to green-up the lawn, but allowing it to sprout naturally, only irrigating if there are signs of a drought or dehydration, is best for maintaining a healthy lawn.


Before you begin to mow, be sure to review the rules of lawn mowing. Don’t start mowing until the ground is dry enough, and the grass has grown enough to require mowing. Know the proper length to cut your type of grass, and avoid cutting too low. When grass is cut too short, sunlight can reach the soil, supporting weed growth and hindering roots from deepening.This will leave the lawn vulnerable to drought.  

Learn more about lawn care and lawn care services from the pro’s at R & S Landscaping, Inc. Give them a call at 505-271-8419.